Can We Trust the Internet?

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Can We Trust the Internet? Over the past years, the Internet has impacted many people lives making it our most daily usage. However, the question is, are we safe? A question asked by millions Internet users. Yet, only little people are aware of the threats and problems that occur over the Internet. Even though some organizations are supporting the cause, however it continues to evolve rapidly. Some of the main problems are collection users data and misusing those data wither in targeting advertisement or other purposes that includes selling or sharing personal information with other companies and lack of security. However, not only organization is misusing personal information, also attacker/hackers can breach organization walls by using malicious codes such as malware and phishing. Which can lead to identity theft and other issue. Yet, the Internet can be safer for users if precautions are taken. Although we cant promise 100 percent protection without the user also taking action when required. Some of those solutions include antivirus, firewall and other precaution. However, the user himself cant protect all attackers, also organization should secure their system by implementing sophisticated encryption, updating software and hardware patches will decrease the possibilities of security breach. Although, internal breach can also happen if organization are giving authorize over their software. In this report, it explain the threats and problems most users face, with possible solution to protect user privacy over the Internet. Internet Privacy Crisis What is privacy? Many people are aware of the term but do not understand what it means. Warren and Brandeis defined privacy in 1980 as “the right to be alone”. Buchholz and Rosenthal defined privacy as “the concept of being in control of information that is available about oneself”(2002). Whereas most recently
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