Can We Trust Our Own Senses

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If we are on a search for certain knowledge, then perhaps the obvious starting point should be our senses. Our sense are really reliant and imporant, our senses are not just there to help us with indepth knowledge such as matters of reality and existence, but their most fundamental thing is, that they help us giving truth in terms of our surroundings and the world. We have learned that we have five senses: Sound, sight, touch, smell and taste. Trusting our senses is so natural for us That we can tell how reliable they are, like: I believe it when I see it. So can we are really trust our senses? Here are some questions that occur in everyone's daily life. Have your senses ever let you down? Have you ever thought you saw or heard something when in fact, you did not or what was there actually different to what you thought it was? We cannot rely 100% on our senses. Our everyday experience is full of good reasons to doubt that we can fully rely on our senses. We basically see the world throught our senses, senses are used to understand the outside world, the world that is foreign from our bodies. But is this actually realistic to say? For example: The sea may be blue, but is it still blue on a cloudy day? Or to a person who is colour blind? What about someone who has just had a light shine in their eyes or someone who is wearing strange coloured glasses? These factors have nothing to do with the sea, but they all make the sea look different. So what is the real colour of the sea? Does our answer have to be general to what a normal person sees on a bright and sunny day? You can think these questions are weird but why? People think you are crazy, if you say that the colour of the sea depends on the observer.The point is that the relationship between what we see and what is really there is far from clear. So basically, without reasoning the information we get from our

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