Can War Ever Be Condoned as Just

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Can War Ever be Condoned as Just? Rajat Chopra 0760948 November 13, 2014 Gil Gaspar The event of sheer violence, absurd mass destruction, and bloodshed of many happens in the battlefields. It is an event that we are all well-educated upon because of the severity it holds. War. A place where soldiers are given a right to do absolutely anything that will ensure complete victory for the side they fight for. As for just war, the framework behind it has a much more moral backing to it. Just war refuses the notion that “anything goes” during warfare (M.Maiese. 2003). All countries have the entitlement of attempting to win, but unlike war, just war cannot for everything or anything that is or seems to be a necessary way in achieving the one goal: victory. A war cannot be just, due to the act of mass violence and destruction is evident from the very beginning to the absolute end. From the Latin “Bellum Justum”, just war is a war that is deemed to be either morally or theologically justifiable. In other words, a just war is a war that can be justified. For example, if a country was to attack another country for no real profound reason, and then the attacked country decides to fight back it is then considered a just war because of reasonable justification. Just war represents the effort to both regulate and restrain the act of extent harm and weapons of war. The reasoning for these restraints and rules in the just war theory is to limit the war once it has officially started. An example of a just war is World War Two. Germany had invaded other Europeans Nations who were at peace and the reasoning for that invasion was for land. After that invasion had occurred, the attacked countries had declared war simply because of the desperation of survival. Jus Ad Bellum and Jus in Bello Jus Ad Bellum, or “Right to War” is a set of criteria that is to be
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