Caffine Essay

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Speech Goal: I would like the audience to know the beneficial effects and the negative effects of consuming caffeine. Introduction: I. How many of you like to start your day off with drugs? II. There is nothing better than a cup of coffee loaded with caffeine to give you the extra boost you need to get through your day. III. Caffeine has the same pharmacological effects on the body as many of the substances we associate with doing harm. Thesis Statement: The three areas I will cover in my speech are the beneficial effects of caffeine, the negative effects and discuss the safe levels of caffeine consumption. Body: I. First, the beneficial effects of caffeine of consuming caffeine. A. Caffeine is made from the leaves, seeds and fruits of about 63 different plants. B. Caffeine can be a pain reliever. 1. Caffeine is an important ingredient in over the counter pain reliever. 2. Caffeine increases the potency of aspirin and other pain relievers. C. Caffeine can help with weight loss. 1. Caffeine speeds up metabolism, which is in most diet-pills D. Caffeine fights drowsiness 1. Caffeine help you wake up. 2. Caffeine makes you feel more alert. 3. Caffeine also increases attention span. II. Now, the negative effects are broken down into two parts. A. The moderate negative effect of caffeine. 1. Caffeine can cause minor headaches. 2. Caffeine will increase heart rate. 3. Caffeine causes mild stomach upset. B. The more severe effects of caffeine. 1. Caffeine can cause panic attacks. 2. Caffeine can irregular heart beat 3. Caffeine can cause sleep disorders. III. Finally, how much caffeine should we consume daily? A. A safe amount of caffeine is between 200-300 milligrams daily. 1. Classic coca cola has 34 milligrams of caffeine 2. A Red Bull energy
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