Cache Level 3 Unit 3

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Unit three- Supporting children The Children Act 1989 came into effect in 1991 in England and Wales, it attempted to bring together various pieces of legislation. It is wide ranging and covers child protection, parental responsibility and the inspection of settings. It is especially known for its stance that children’s welfare is of paramount importance. It also made clear that children and young people’s views had to be taken into consideration when decisions about their future were being made. There has been a subsequent Children Act which provided for a Children’s Commissioner and also allowed the government to provide a legal framework for the Every Child Matters programme. The Children Act 2004 is designed to ensure that difference services for children and young people work more effectively together. The Children Act 1989 has influenced setting by bringing together several sets of guidance and provided the foundation for many of the standards practitioners sustain and maintain when working with children. The Act requires that settings work together in the best interests of the child and that they form partnerships with parents /carers. It requires settings to have appropriate adult: child ratios and policies and procedures on child protection. This Act has had an influence in all areas of practice from planning a curriculum and record keeping. The Every Child Matters framework has influenced settings by giving them and other external organisations a duty to find new ways of working together by sharing information and working co-operatively to protect children from harm. Race Relations Act 1976 The Race Relations Act 1976 aimed to define racial discrimination. This Act made it illegal to discriminate against anyone on the basis of their ethnicity, skin, colour or race. It applies to employment opportunities within a setting but also the way that a
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