Bullying In The Workplace

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The workplace should be a safe environment that allows employees to be productive and enable them to look forward to coming to work. As the study by Waitt Institute shows this is not the case for many employees. In schools there are now laws to prevent bullying. Many people expect bullying to end in school, but this is not the case. The exact same bullying that takes place in schools all over the world, is also happening in the workplace. A big problem with bullying in the workplace is that many businesses simply do not have a formal structure for dealing with bullies. It has become the responsibility of management to eliminate these incidents and provide a healthy work environment for all employees. It has also become the responsibility of the employees themselves to report these forms of harassment to their supervisors. This alone is not enough. The most prevalent reasons for bullying are gender and race. The Workplace Bullying Institute says that "women appear to be at greater risk of becoming a bullying target, as 57% of those who reported being targeted for abuse were women. Men are more likely to participate in aggressive bullying behavior (60%), however if the bully is a woman, her target is more likely to be a woman as well (71%)". They also stated that Hispanics are the most bullied at 52% of the Hispanic workforce has been bullied or observed it, with African Americans at 46% and Whites at 33%. Some examples of bullying include unwarranted criticism, blame without justification, being singled out of a group, being sworn out, exclusion or isolation, being shouted at or humiliated, excessive monitoring, and being given work with unrealistic. I personally have witnessed all of these actions in my place of work. I also would say that nine out of ten employees at my workplace have been bullied in one way or another. A recent Health and
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