Alliteration Of Andrew Fusek Peters's 'Building Blocks'

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Building Blocks Essay A) ‘Building Blocks’ by Andrew Fusek Peters is about a man who looks back on his memories of being bullied as a child, how he got through the bullying and how he is now successful. Throughout the poem the speaker has extremely negative feelings towards the bullies; he describes them as being ‘hateful’ and compares them to ‘dry rot’. However, the speaker feels that bullies were necessary in his life and that they have helped him become successful. He thanks them for what they did but now looks down upon them as they are now unimportant and are a lot less successful than him. Peters says that the bullies now spend their days drinking whilst he is enjoying his life with his wife. B) The title of the poem uses alliteration, ‘building blocks’. The repetition of the harsh ‘b’ sound highlights how the bullies in the poem were extremely harsh and hurtful to the speaker. In the first stanza, alliteration of…show more content…
Peters describes his tears like this in order to create sounds for the reader so that the tears become realistic and the poem becomes more relatable. The alliteration of the harsh ‘b’ sound in ‘bottled up bullies’ shows that the bullies’ lives are no longer easy or nice. In the fifth stanza, the pronoun ‘you’ is used to directly address the bullies. A tone of sarcasm is used throughout this stanza in order to not only hurt the bullies but also to show how he is now more successful than the bullies. The rhetorical question at the end of this stanza also emphasises the sarcastic tone. In the sixth stanza the bullies are compared to ‘dry rot’ in a metaphor. This is done to highlight how to Peters the bullies were like a bad disease that he did not want and that they caused him pain. The final stanza begins with ‘so’ which highlights the sarcastic tone. The third line repeats the sound of ‘ess’ which draws attention to this line which talks about how Peters is now

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