Bugusa Worksheet Essay

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University of Phoenix Material BUGusa, Inc., Worksheet Use the scenarios in the Bugusa, Inc., link located on the student website to answer the following questions. Scenario: WIRETIME, Inc., Advertisement Has WIRETIME, Inc., committed any torts? If so, explain. WIRETIME, Inc. has committed a defamation tort. They are affecting BUGusa, Inc.'s reputation by making statements about them that may be false. The defamation is called libel. Scenario: WIRETIME, Inc. (Janet) Has WIRETIME, Inc. committed any torts? If so, explain. WIRETIME, Inc. has interfered with an existing contractual relationship that Janet has with BUGusa, Inc. when they offered Janet a job with their company. This means that WIRETIME, Inc. can go after BUGusa, Inc. for damages because of losing Janet with their company. Since BUGusa, Inc. has specific knowledge of the contract that was broken, WIRETIME, Inc. actively interfered with the contract that was broken, and WIRETIME, Inc. caused losses to BUGusa, Inc. there definitely has been a tort committed. Scenario: WIRETIME, Inc. (Steve and Walter) Discuss any liability BUGusa, Inc., may have for Walter’s actions. The liabilities BUGusa, Inc. may have with Walter’s actions are intentional tort of employee and negligence of employee. Walter is responsible for his actions, but because he is working within the scope of this employment, WIRETIME, Inc will be held liable for his actions. Keeping Steven for six hours can be considered false imprisonment and that he was threatened with bodily harm only made the case for Walter and WIRETIME, Inc worse. Walter could have received the same information by contacting a supervisor and notifying them of Steve’s actions. The first tort to discuss is intentional tort. Because Walter is a security guard for WIRETIME, Inc his action, illegal as they are, were within the scope of his

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