Buddhist Ceremonies And Funeral Rites

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The early customs of a Buddhist funeral involved the burning of the body at the time of death. Buddha, the founder of Buddhism was cremated after his death setting the example for followers. When someone of the Buddhist faith is dying monks, called Lamas, come to the house and perform chants to comfort the dying and this continues after death to prepare the body for the next phase. Family and friends give the monks food and candles to create goodwill that helps the spirit of the dead. The article covered 3 Eastern regions. In Tibet, death is a highly important event. It is believed that the person goes into a trance for 4 days and they do not realize that they are dead. This state is referred to as the First Bardo. Monks say special verses that reach the dead. At the end of the trance state the person sees a “Clear Light” and if it does not terrify them they welcome it and will not be reborn. However, most fear the light and flee. The Second Bardo begins then as the person realizes that they have died. They see everything they have ever done, thought or felt. They realize that they have no body and being to long for another body this begins the Third Bardo. They dead seek another rebirth they chose new parents from whom they get a new body. It is believed that meditation on death is important for 2 reasons: a. one recognizes how life is and one needs to make it meaningful; and b. an understanding of death equals less fear ensuring a good rebirth. In this belief there are 9 Rounds of Death Meditation falling under 3 convictions A. DEATH IS CERTAIN 1. there is no escape 2. Life has a time limit 3. Death comes in a moment and the time is unexpected B. TIME OF DEATH IS UNCERTAIN 4. Duration uncertain: young can die before old, healthy before sick 5. There are many causes and circumstances to death 6. Weakness and fragility of the body

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