Buddhism Vs Hinduism

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In society today, there are many religions that people have strong beliefs about. This report will identify and explain these beliefs for the religions of Buddhism and Hinduism. In every religion there are 8 main aspects; these are Religious experience and spirituality, ethical principles and oral or written codes of behavior, symbols, sacred texts and other religious writing, social structure, rituals, myths and other stories and beliefs. The purpose of this report is to compare and contrast the different aspects and give information about them all. The limitations of the report are that I only have secondary sources, like books and internet ect, without being able to talk to an actual Buda or Jew in person. BELIEFS Hinduisms have major beliefs that claim the existence of millions of gods and goddesses, but One Ultimate god called Brahman. Brahman is believed to be the life force of the universe, formless and everlasting, without attributes and is infinite. Hindus believe that there are three primary forms of Brahman: Brahma the creator god, Vishnu the preserving god, and Shiva the destroying god. Hindus believe in karma, the law of cause and effect by which each individual creates his own destiny by his thoughts, words and deeds. Buddhism believe that The Buddha did not want to give his followers a set of beliefs, rather, he believed that people needed to decide for themselves the action they would take to experience the truth. In Buddhism, consequently there is no believe in a creator god, but instead, Buddhists believe that the founder of Buddhism, Siddhartha Gautama, experienced enlightenment and became the ‘Awakened One’. Like Hindus, Buddhists also view the world as samsara but this differs from the Hindu sense of reincarnation. RITUALS Daily worship, known as puja, is an important and most frequently preformed ritual in the lives of practising
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