Bsop 588 Balanced Scorecard

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Balanced Scorecard at USPS BSOP588 Nearly everyone you know that lives in America has used the United States Postal Service at one point or another in his or her lives. We all use this service to ship packages and mail to others so it is important to the USPS that it is providing a great service to its customers in order to drive its growth and revenues. As the need for change became apparent the organization implemented a balanced scorecard method that focused on the Voice of the Employee, Voice of the Business, and Voice of the Customer. The USPS wanted to improve its organization inside and out to provide “sufficient revenue to support the universal delivery service mission” (Evans & Lindsay, 2010, p. 403). Understanding how improving quality can be achieved by utilizing a balanced scorecard can certainly aid almost any organization. A balanced scorecard is a method that can help an organization improve internal and external communications as well as measure performance against its strategic goals. This method provides a business with the ability to manage future growth objectives and plans (Bowen, 2011). One advantage of using the balanced scorecard method is its considers four different aspects of the business’s performance delivering a more balanced picture of performance. Also, this approach provides glances of an organization’s objectives on a short, medium, and long-term basis. There are also disadvantages to the balanced scorecard method. One disadvantage is it is a complex method that takes time to develop and implement. Also, this method looks at financial information that is limited and really needs to “be part of a bigger strategy for company growth that includes meticulous accounting methods” (2011). Overall the balanced scorecard method does offer a major benefit once it is integrated into the company’s systems and used in conjunction with
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