Brown Brother Essay

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Brown brother Brown brother is a speech about how brown people have been given a label. A label to say how brown people don’t succeed in life, how brown people drop out of school at 16 and live off the doll the rest of their life. I think that Joshua is going to inspire a lot of people out there, as he is trying to tell society that brown people are not as bad as society thinks. A lot of society will agree with Joshua as he is letting everyone know that what society is saying isn’t always true. Although they might be brown or white, inside of that colour is still human, and they should have as much chance as everyone else. Joshua thinks that society thinks brown people can’t succeed. An example of this is when he says “if I were a girl, either by myself or with a baby in or beside me, victim of teen pregnancy with a guy in high school”. I personally find this highly unfair how society is judging brown people because they are a different colour. This story inspires me, and I’m sure it will inspire you as well. It inspires me by the way he talks. How every time he says ‘brown’ he will touch his own skin as he is brown himself. How he has a pattern in which he speaks, it’s also very interesting how he has rap, rhythm, and a lot of quotes in his speech. He also encourages brown people to not be afraid to be the first to succeed in life, not to be afraid to be the first one to graduate, and get qualifications. In this speech, what Joshua is trying to tell people is that just because you are brown, doesn’t mean you are a drop out. I think he wants society and brown people to stop believing that brown people are the ones that fail. “brown brother, do not be afraid to be the first, the first to graduate, the first to climb, the first prime minister, or the first good wife – brown brother, do not be afraid to be the
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