Brooks ''People Lile Us''

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Eng 101 W. O’Connell Essay #1 In his essay “People Like Us “, David Brooks’ analysis various types of segregation in America and how people like to think that we live in divers country, when in reality human nature likes to segment themselves whether by race, religion, culture, class or politics. He raises the problem of cultural affinity. For example, author says ” Instead, what I have seen all around the country is people making strenuous efforts to group themselves with people who are basically like themselves ”(331). He explains how majority of us like to flock in circles with like-minded people, the area within which we share common ideas. It is clear from the first sentences that D. Books has a strong opinion about social distinction. He claims that, “Maybe it’s time to admit the obvious. We don’t really care about diversity all that much in America, even though we talk about it a great deal” (331). He wants us to acknowledge that we like the world to think of us as a diverse population but in reality we are divided in groups. If we take a wide view of the country it might look as a very diverse nation, but once we look in closer and start dividing areas geographically we would discover that we are a homogeneous nation. Brooks says “Make no mistake – we are increasing our happiness by segmenting off so rigorously. We are finding places where we are comfortable and where we feel we can flourish” (332). These days when we speak about diversity we have a tendency to think that it mainly covers racial integration. But it seem like we are unsuccessful to end racial discrimination as well, the author pointed out “The number of middle-class and upper-middle-class African American families is rising, but for whatever reason - racism, psychological comfort – these families tend to congregate in predominantly black neighborhoods” (332). And not only African
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