Broken Wings Take Time to Mend

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The quote "Broken wing takes time to mend" is explored through the book "Broken Soup" written by Jenny Valentine. Rowan, who is the main character of the book, has undergone several difficulties and she finally tries to mend things with the help of Bee and Harper. Rowan herself is a convincing mixture of brave and desperate character. She has gained a great understanding of life by coping with so much grief at the age of 15. 'The broken wing' refers to Rowan's shrinking family, who are battling to survive after Jack's death. The loss of Jack has made a huge impact on entire Clark family and especially on Rowans’ life. Furthermore, this loss was unbearable to his loving mother which resulted to tear apart the bonds of Clark family. Jack’s departure has left an exceptionally large pain in his beloved mother, giving her a nervous breakdown. In addition, their father leaves the family forcing Rowan to replace him in the Clark family. Now Rowan is so stranded and far too busy to complain about her current situation. Entire responsibility of taking care of her sister and her sick mother who lies in bed whole day, lies upon her shoulders. The deprived Jane Clark tries to escape all torture by attempting suicide as she can't take it anymore. She can't think of flying as before with these broken wings, until a strange boy with a American accent shoves a negative into Rowan' s hands. This new relationship she develops with this strange boy, Harper is an enormous relief to her lonely life which puts aside all her complains and add little calmer. This mends the broken wing and enable her to fly in the life sky much stronger than

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