Brofenbrenner's Theory

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Ecological Systems Theory Affects of Development According to Brofenbrenner’s theory of ecological development there are four main systems that work together that influence a person’s development. Brofenbrenner developed these systems so he could better understand human development within the context of relationships that make up the person’s environment. The ecology of human development is the scientific study of the progressive relationships between an active, growing human being and the changing properties of the immediate settings in which the developing person lives. This process is affected by the relations between these settings and by the larger contexts in which the settings are embedded (Miller, J. 2003). In Brofenbrenner’s initial theory (1979), the four systems in which he developed interacts in complex ways and can both affect and affected by the person’s development. He later added a fifth dimension that an element of time (Brofenbrenner, U. 1995). Each of the four systems is described below. Microsystem The microsystem is defined as the pattern of activities, roles, and interpersonal relationships experienced by a developing person in a particular setting with particular physical and material features and containing other persons with distinctive characteristics of temperament, personality, and systems of belief (Brofenbrenner, U. 1995). The microsystem in a nutshell is the family, peers, school and neighborhood. These influences directly affect the active human being development. If the individual’s school is the unit of interest, the microsystem of the school would include students, parents, teachers, peers, family members, administration and the community. Mesosystem The mesosystem comprises the linkages between Microsystems (Brofenbrenner, U. 1995,). It is the boundary between family and society at large. Just as the
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