Briefly Explain the Characteristic of Effective Fe

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Briefly explain the characteristic of effective feedback. one of a leader's responsibilities is to create and utilize a forum for open, constructive communication which feedback is one important aspect. effective feedback, both positive and negative, is helpful to others. when you give feedback you are offering valuable information that will be useful to another person making decisions about how to behave. feedback is not criticism. criticism is evaluative, feedback is descriptive. it also allows us to build and maintain communication with others. feedback provides the individual with information that can be used in performing personal evaluation List the capabilities that people use to initiate, regulate, and sustain their behavior according to the social cognitive theory. self-efficacy makes a difference in how people feel, think and act. in terms of feeling, a low sense of self-efficacy is associated with depression, anxiety, and helplessness. such individuals also have low self-esteem and harbour pessimistic thoughts about their accomplishments and personal development. in terms of thinking, a strong sense of competence facilitates cognitive processes and academic performance. self-efficacy levels can enhance or impede the motivation to act. individuals with high self-efficaccy choose to perform more challenging tasks. What are three ethical characteristics of charismatic leaders? unethical chanrismatic leader, individual qualities of ethical and unethical charismatic leaders Explain the concept of coercive power in operant learning terms. authority or power that is dependent on fear, suppression of free will, and/or use of punishment or threat, for its existence Explain three political strategies that can be used to acquire power. organizational politics consists of intentional acts of influence undertaken by individuals or groups to enhance or
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