Brief Background: Life In Jeffersonian America

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Life in Jeffersonian America Brief Background 1. Thomas Jefferson • Born on April 13, 1743 in Albemarle County, Virginia • author of the Declaration of Independence and the Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom, • Third president of the United States and founder of the University of Virginia • Died on July 4, 1826 • Formed the Democratic Republicans 2. His Philosophies • Believed in a nation of independent farmers • exercised a minimum of control over their lives • served merely to protect the individual liberties guaranteed by the Constitution • Believed in a limited federal government • Jefferson believes that the will of the people provide the most appropriate guidance for directing the republic’s course 3. Agrarian society •…show more content…
2. Election of 1800 • Democratic Republican Thomas Jefferson and Aaron VS. Federalist President John Adams and Charles Pinckney • No separate ballots for President and Vice President a) All candidates ran for presidency; second highest vote would be VP • Thomas Jefferson won the state of New York because of Aaron Burr’s influence a) Burr and Jefferson received the same amount of votes(73 electoral votes) b) Under the constitution, the tie could only be broken by the House of Representatives, which was filled with Federalists at the time(preferred Burr over Jefferson) c) After a long deadlock, Alexander Hamilton and John Adams persuaded a few House members to change their votes, thus helped secure the presidency for Jefferson • Also known as the revolution of 1800 a) Transfer of power from one party to another through elections and all the parties has to accept. Jeffersonian Democracy 1. What is it? • An ideal form of government by Thomas

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