Breakfast at Tiffany's

1974 Words8 Pages
The Wonderful Analysis Of Breakfast At Tiffany’s In Breakfast At Tiffany’s the main character is Holly Golightly, which is played by Audrey Hepburn. Holly Golightly is an independent woman that lives by herself and her nameless cat. She makes a living by being an escort and by going to Sing Sing every week to visit an inmate named Sally Tomato played by Alan Reed. Holly Golightly then meets a writer named Paul Varjak, who is played by George Peppard. He is a writer that is being supported by an older lady who he calls 2E which is played by Patricia Neal. Holly starts spending a lot of time with Paul. One day both Paul and Holly decide to spend the day together and that is when Paul realizes that he has fallen in love with Holly, but when she tells her she instead says that she is going to get married to a South American millionaire named Jose, which is played by Vilallonga, and says that she will be moving to Brazil with him, but after she was accused of being involved with drugs and her picture is in the paper Jose ends up leaving her. After this happens, even though Holly is upset over the whole thing, she still decides to move to Brazil and Paul tries telling her that he loves her and gives Holly a ring that was engraved at Tiffany’s and tells her that he will leave her alone and that’s when Holly runs after Paul and they make up. The opening scene starts with a taxi coming up to a stop in front of a building; this is done in a depth of field. I think that the reason for this is to show where she is. Then Holly comes out from the taxi and looks up at the building in front of her in an establishing shot and a boom shot. I believe they did this in order to let the audience know where she has stopped which happens to be at Tiffany’s. She then walks towards the tiffany’s building window in a normal angle shot looking at the jewelry while she is having her
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