Boys & Girls by Alice Munro

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Society’s Expectations Society always says you are beautiful in your own way, but then, society says you have to be a specific type of person. Expectations of society can influence ones outcome in life. This theme plays a major role in the short story "Boys and Girls" by Alice Munro. Throughout the story the narrator tries to deny the fact that "She is only a girl" (Munro 59). The narrator continues to defy these accusations by doing the opposite if what she is told to do. In the end, she finally accepts herself as a girl. All in all, the narrator is affected by society’s expectations by how she denies, defies, and accepts her role as a girl. Denial is a very common feeling in life. Everyone goes through it whether they like it or not. To begin with, the narrator strongly hates the word girl. During her grandmas visits she would always try to teach the narrator the proper ways of how to be a girl like how a girl sits or how they speak. In response, the narrator "continued to slam the doors and sir as awkwardly as possible..." (52). When being called a girl she feels like a child. Furthermore, the activities the narrator does in the field with her father should not classify her ad such thing, a girl. Implicitly, the narrator repeatedly tries to deny the fact that she is only a girl. The narrator feels constrained when inside the house doing more womanly chores with her mother other than outside where she feels more at leave. To conclude, not only do societal expectations make us deny facts of life, we begin to defy against them and prove society wrong. To begin with, the narrator goes out of her way to prove a point, as well as defying her father. "Instead of shutting the gate, I opened it as wide as I could. I did not make any decision to do this; it was just what i did" (56). Explicitly, while Flora was loose in the field the narrator had a chance to

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