Bow and Arrow

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The bow and arrow has been around for thousands of years. The oldest arrow head was discovered in Africa and was stated to be from before 25,000 BC. Arrows that were hardened by fire, flint tipped or had feathers on them were first used around 25000 to 18000 BC. Bow and arrows were used for hunting, protection, and war. The bow and arrow were used almost everywhere around the world. In the Egyptian Era, they used wood and horn glued together for hunting and war. The Israelites made bows out of reed and buffalo horns. One piece bows of yew and elm were found in Denmark. The Parthians used upper half of their body to shoot while facing towards their enemies. The Byzantines used archers against the Saracens, Vandals, Goths and Franks. Bow and arrows were also used during the Crusades and hundreds of other battles throughout world history. In the United States archery was practiced by the Native Americans until 1828. Titian Ramsey Peale went west to studied the Plains Indians and there he learned archery. When Peale returned back to Philadelphia he shared his knowledge of Archery with his friends. The Witchery of Archery was a book written by Maurice in 1878, which inspired others to learn about archery. In less then a year more than 20 Archery clubs were formed. These clubs met at Crawfordsville in 1879 to establish the National Archery Association, which held the first national tournament that year at While Stocking Park in Chicago. Archery competitions were apart of the Olympic games during the 1900s. After twenty years archery competitions were dropped because of the different rules people had made up. Finally the Federation of Internationale de Tir l’Arc standardized the rules for international competitions and restored archery to the Olympic program. There are several different aspects of archery that are used in Olympic competitions today. These

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