Bounce Gym Marketing Plan

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Bounce Fitness Corporate Marketing Plan Executive Summary Bounce Fitness will serve the corporations in the city centres of Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne, helping them to become more productive, while lowering their overall costs with innovative wellness programs and strategies. Bounce Fitness is based on two simple facts: 1. Healthy employees are more productive than chronically ill employees. 2. It costs less to prevent injuries or illnesses than to treat them after they occur. Traditional endeavours to corporate health care are quite reactive. Corporations wait until after staff has been ill or injured, and then pay for the necessary treatments. The Bounce Fitness approach, emphasises prevention and good health promotion, and is much more proactive. At Bounce Fitness, we tie worker productivity directly to the health care issue. We believe that traditional approaches to the current health care crisis are misdirected. Bounce Fitness contends that by helping employees change their behaviour patterns and choose healthier lifestyles, the health care costs to corporations will be considerably reduced through increased staff productivity, reduced absenteeism and turnover, reduced worker’s compensation claims and a healthier, motivated staff. Current economic and demographic changes will make health care issues worse. The environmental factors and the local competitive situation is a clear message to Bounce Fitness. The time is right for a Bounce Fitness initiative. Situation Analysis Bounce Fitness began in 2001 in Cairns, Queensland. The business model has been well received and resulted in expansion to Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. Marketing is very important to maintain growth and market penetration. In addition to offering fitness facilities for corporations, Bounce Fitness’ main activity is the creation and implementation of wellness programs. The

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