Book Report Slawter, Darren Shan

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Name book: Slawter Name author: Darren Shan Number of Pages: 255 Pages When it was written: In the year 2006 Where it was written: In the UK Publisher: Harper Collins Introduction My book report is going to be about Slawter by Darren Shan. I chose this book because I was reading it when we had to do a book report and I really like the book. This book is a horror book and it’s seen through the eyes of Grubsticsh (short Grubs) Grady. The title of the book is Slawter because the film they make in the book is called Slawter. The main characters of the book are Grubsticsh Grady: A 12 year old boy who’s parents we’re slaughtered by demons. Dervish Grady: A 42 year old man and the uncle of Grubs and Billy. Billy Spleen: The brother of Grubs (though Billy doesn’t know it) and he was a werewolf until Grubs and Dervish cured him by playing chess with a demon (this was in a previous book of the same author). Juni Swan: An assistant of a film director. Review Dervish is slowly losing his mind since coming back from battling with Lord Loss, a demon master (see first book in the series). Grubs has been taking care of his uncle the entire time, he is worried that his uncles nightmares will continue to get worse. When Davida Haym, a horror director, asks for Dervish’s help on her new demon movie it appears to be the gift horse that Dervish has been waiting for to take his mind of things. With Grubs and Bill-E in tow, Dervish agrees to help with the movie, hoping it will clear his head. And get him back to normal. But, this is not what happens. With all Darren Shan’s books just when everything looks normal things will hit the fan. In this book, Slawter, also the name of the movie town, we find out that Davida has made a Faustian deal with Lord Loss. But Davida doesn’t read the fine print of their contract and everything starts to go down the drain. But do Dervish and

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