Book 14 Odysseus Summery

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Following the return of Odysseus to Ithaka, Athena disguised as Dawn advises Odysseus to seek out a swine herder by the name of Eumaios, who served Odysseus before his departure on his mission to aid his allies in the war on Troy. Upon arriving at the Swineherd’s home in the forrest Odysseus is nearly attacked by dogs who guard the live stock of the Ithakan king, which is very ironic since their sole purpose is to guard the live stock for the man they almost just attacked. Luckily Eumaios, came to Odysseus’ aid, scattering the dogs in a hail of rocks and shouts. Being the kind-hearted individual he is, he invited in the beggar (Odysseus) and shows him much hospitality hence the title of Book 14 “Hospitality in the Forest”. Eumaios invites Odysseus into his forest home completely unaware that he is in the presence of his once close friend. Odysseus begins to tell stories of his adventures at the request of the kind swineherd. The beggar tells of a time when he met a man by the name of Odysseus and how this man will return. Eumaio also speaks of how the suitors now roam free in in the palace of the once Ithacan king, and how they have a bounty out to kill the prince of Ithaka, Telémakhos. This plants a seed of hope in the mind of this humble herder that is once king would return to his homeland. The beggar, Odysseus, tells Eumaio how Odysseus might return on a ship bound from a near land. Once again Eumaio expresses doubt, somewhat exasperating the story teller. At this point we are nearing the end of the book and Odysseus wants to beg for a cloak from the herder but tells a story instead which has a gist of “give me a cloak”. Satisfied with the story Eumaio gives the beggar a cloak and tells him he can stay until the kings great son Telélmakhos returns from his travels. Odysseus spends the night guarded by white horned rams and the book ends with a promise from

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