Black Spider Monkey

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When one thinks of a zoo, a general idea that comes to mind is a picture of animals in cages. Going to a zoo to complete a research project sounds even less exciting. However, the trip I took to the Santa Ana zoo was exciting and quite an adventure. The scenery is so full of variety from lush tropical surroundings to rough, jungle atmospheres. Animals from all over the world stare down at passing visitors and mock humans with their curious eyes and indescribable vocal sounds. While I was at the zoo, there was one animal that really caught my eye. In fact, it pooped right in front of my eyes the instant I saw it. I was disgusted at first but it caught my attention and I sat down to observe it for a while. The little monkey picked up a banana and ate some of the left over scraps and threw it in dismay at the floor. It came closer to my face and I climbed up on the railing to get a close look into it's eyes. I motioned to my mouth and the banana and the monkey dissapeared into the cage looking for banana slips and I was extremely excited thinking that the genious monkey was getting me food. However, it ate the banana and just returned to look at me. Observing the monkey's behavior gave me a chance to absorb information about the background of the animal. The black handed spider monkey has a scientific name of Ateles geoffroyi.It is considered an Old World Monkey.They generally live in evergreen rain forests, semideciduous forests and mangrove forests. (Rowe, 96). Spider monkeys are primarily arboreal (adapted to live in trees) and never come to the ground. Spider monkeys are primarily an animal of the upper levels of the forest. However, in areas where such habitat is limited in extent and where hunting pressure is light or non-existent, and other primate competitors are few in number, it appears to be

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