Black Families Vs White Families Essay

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The Unites States consists of 68% White Families (Lamanna & Riedmann p37). The non-Hispanic White Family composed of a married couple and less likely to have family members extending beyond the nuclear family living with them. White families have lower fertility rates than Blacks and Hispanic Families and have no children under the age of 18 years living at home. White women are less like to become teenage mothers than Blacks and Hispanic women. 76% of White children reside with both parents in relations to 63% of Hispanics and 35% of Black children. White families have the higher income of all groups with the exception of Asians, and have the lowest poverty rates of all racial/ethnic groups. Whites tend to marry late in life, they place…show more content…
This difference can be contributed to the economic shift and elimination of well paying entry-level jobs that sustained the Black Middle Class working families, as well as low level Black male employment (Wilson 1987;Taylor 2003). Racial discrimination and being economically disadvantaged shows that Blacks are twice more likely to suffer the death of a baby more so than whites. The divorce rates of Blacks are higher than Whites (Nock 2003a) and the major difference is that Blacks are more likely to have never married (McKennon 2002) African American Families are child-focused and accept children regardless of circumstances “Children are prized” (Crosbie-Burnett and Lewis 1999.p.457). In my conclusion: Poverty and racism is constantly plaguing the American Black Families, segregation still exist in our daily lives, as well as contending with relatively low-status jobs, coping with housing discrimination in certain neighborhoods. However, Whites and Middle Class Blacks share a common bond in parenting, education, social and developmental advantages and other resources that are needed to maintain an equal balance to help their children have successful
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