Birth Order Effects

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Birth Order Effects Birth Order & Personality's Correlation in College Students For as long as anyone can remember there have always been questions raised to whether a child's position in the birth order of the family significantly affects the person in various aspects. These possibly developed characteristics due to birth order may carry on throughout one's entire life. College is a very important time in every person's life and adjusting can be very difficult for anyone, especially getting used to handling the responsibility of being on your own. These young adults are still discovering themselves. The college experience can be fun and positive experience, but for some it is stressful and negative. A person's personality is relatively stable and plays a key role in their decision making, behavior, reactions, and etc. This goal is important because if birth order and personality of undergraduate college student do correlate then the experiments can be done to try to help the birth position that has the hardest time adjusting to the college. For example if it's the eldest siblings having the most difficult time adjusting to a university because of stress of having starting college classes, making new friends, and learning to live on their own, experiments can be run to help that student become more extroverted and develop anxiety coping skills so the change of scenery can be easier. Such knowledge would be an advantage for a college dean looking to recruit more students for the following year and decrease the drop out/ transfer rate. The purpose of this study is to find a correlation between birth order and the personality of undergraduate students. The dynamics behind personality will be conscientiousness, neuroticism, and extroversion to cover a general understanding of where certain subjects stand personality wise when being paired with

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