Birth Order Essay

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ENGL 2303-31 Title Specific Purpose: To inform my audience how birth order affects your personality. Central Idea: I will inform my audience of what birth order is, the personality traits of each birth order, and factors that alter these traits. Introduction I. Do you ever stop and wonder why you are so different from your siblings? A. You are the perfectionist in the family. B. Your younger sister is more independent and likes to keep the peace. C. Your younger brother always seems to get his way. II. Depending upon your position in your family, your birth order can have profound and lifelong effects on your personality and can help shape who you will become. III. I have read several books and dozens of articles on the topic of birth order and how it affects our lives. IV. I will inform my audience of what birth order is, the personality traits of each birth order, and factors that alter these traits. (Transition: First, let’s discuss what birth order is.) Body I. What is birth order? A. Birth order is the position you were born into your family compared to your siblings. B. According to Judith Graham, Extension Human Development Specialist at the University of Maine, where we were born in relation to our siblings affects who we become. (Transition: Now let’s talk about the different birth orders.) II. There are four common birth orders that we all fit into. A. First born children are the ones who were born into the family first. 1. Characteristics of first born children include being perfectionist, confident, organized, and leaders. 2. Career choices of first born children are often in medicine, law, entrepreneurs, or jobs where they can be the boss.

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