Biomachenics Related to Volleyball Dig

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Biomechanics refers to the study of the mechanics of a living body, especially of the forces exerted by muscles and gravity on the skeletal structure. When performing a dig there are lots of biomechanical factors the need to be taken into account as this is an essential skill if you are in a volleyball team. The point of a forearm pass in volley ball is to hit the ball to the setter which is at the front of the court. This shot requires very good timing, amount of force applied and position of arms when hitting the ball. When getting ready to dig a ball many aspects and principles of biomechanics are taken into account. Once the serve has been hit, you have to move your feet and body behind the ball. Whilst moving for the ball you have to take the projectile motion into account so that your feet are positioned correctly. You have to make sure that you knees are bent so your centre of gravity is bigger and lower to the ground. Most of your weight is on your toes so you’re ready to push forward when hitting the ball. When you are in the correct position you have to create a platform with your arms by putting them together. You have to clutch your hands together so your palms are facing the roof and your arms in a relaxed position. As the ball is in motion coming towards you, calculate how much force needs to be applied to get it to the setter. As you push through with your legs, you use the momentum of your body to push through the ball with your arms getting the ball up high enough for the setter to get into position and execute the next pass. When executing the volley ball dig there are three main biomechanical factors that need to be taken into consideration. These include: Force and Motion, Momentum and Inertia and Projectile Motion. Force is simply a push or a pull exerted by one object or another. For an example, when you perform a volley dig you push through

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