Biological Relationships Essay

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Fungus and Algae- Mutualism Their symbiotic relationship is mutualism because the Algae feeds the fungus, while the fungus protects the algae from the environment. Leeches and Fish- Parasitism The leeches feed on the fishes blood which gives the organisms food and nutrients while the fish dies. Malaria and Mosquitoes- Commensalism The malaria is from the mosquitoes but the its unaffected whole the malaria can go to the humans bloodstream. Malaria and People- Parasitism The malaria goes into the peoples bloodstream and the people get sick. Burdok seeds and Animals- Parasitism The spiky seeds from the Burdok can possibly injure animals or slow them down. Mycorrhiza and Trees- Mutualism The mycorrhizae make it easier for trees to absorb nutrients and water from the soil, trees provide mycorrhizae with glucose and sucrose from photosynthesis. Remoras and Sharks- Mutualism The Remoras attach themselves to the shark wherein it eats the leftover food that they can find, The remoras also help cleanse the Sharks of parasites on their teeth and their skin. Egrets and Cattle- Neutralism The egrets and cattle live in the same environment but they dont share the same food or habitat so they dont affect each other. Bees and Orchids- Mutualism The bees are able to get nectar from orchids which help feed them and also help make honey, the bees are also able to get pollen from orchids so the bees spread the orchids pollen. Bees and Strawberry plants- Paratism The bee is able to get food, energy and nutrients from the strawberry plant, while the strawberry plants don’t get anything in return, they just die. Cowbirds and Other birds- Mutualism or Paratism In mutualism- The cowbird lays it’s eggs in the nests of other birds expecting it to hatch there and the other birds to care for them. In paratism- The host bird removes the cowbirds egg,

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