Bill T. Jones : Solo Performance

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Bill T. Jones performance was about how you should believe looking towards the future. He showed this through his very full of life movements, how the dance changed as it progressed specifically his energy, and what he said while he was passionately talking. With these three things mixed all together it made for a very strong and powerful performance. The way he moved showed how much he believed in the future and moving on. He filled his whole body with his dancing. His movements were all very placed and precise. It was like he was gliding across the stage as if there was no gravity to hold him back. He breathed though his moves while he was dancing which made them very swift and swan-like. By changing the speed of his dancing like holding a pose longer than others or doing phrases quicker it helped him to make the audience feel his emotion along with him. Bill also paired up his movements with the inspiration filled music in a way that made his dance very commanding and sturdy. As this piece progressed Bill's energy level changed drastically. In the beginning he had energy but it stayed more internal and wasn't as big. He didn't move around the stage to much either. By the end of the dance his energy was pouring out of his body like a racing waterfall. His movements were huge and full of life. His arms filled the thick air above and around him like he was pushing through heavy water as he move dramatically across the stage. The way that his energy progressively increased helped Bill show the audience his emotion and passion. The best part of his performance was his speech during his dance. This is when he had the most energy and passion and you could really tell that he felt and believed in what he was saying. It was like he was on a top of a mountain yelling out to the world. He talked about how everyone should be positive and not complain

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