Betrayal In Julius Caesar Essay

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Shakton Andrews English II February 22, 2013 Betrayal Lesson One: History of Betrayal Where: • Julius Caesar lived in Rome and conquered France and Spain. He fought most of his famous battles at Alesia, Pharsalus, Zela, and Munda. • Brutus lived in Rome and was a rich aristocrat; therefore he didn’t have to work. When: • Julius Caesar was born on July 13 100 BC and died on March 15 44 BC. • If he had lived in our century; he probably would've been assassinated by a gunman on the Grassy Knoll, rather than stabbed to death by senators. • Marcus Junius Brutus was born July of 85 BC and died October of 42 BC. If he had lived today, he would of been put in prison for the assassination and would died there. Cultural Notes: • (1)…show more content…
He just wanted the job for himself, and not Caesar. He just said he didn't like the idea of a king as camouflage for his own ambition. That may be unduly cynical on my part, but on the other hand, he certainly took onto himself the kingly power of deciding, all by himself, whether an important government official should live or die. (5) It would mean it was no longer a republic, of course. A king implies that sovereignty no longer lies with the people, but with the king. Sometimes it lies with the king's family, too, but that depends on whether you've got a hereditary monarchy or not. Betrayal: • Julius Caesar knew a guy called Brutus because he had an affair with Brutus' mother and Brutus would sometimes go to Julius' house. A rumor then began that Brutus wanted to kill a politician called Pompey, Julius helped Brutus out saying it was all a lie. Then in 44BC (the year Julius was killed), Brutus was part of a plot to murder Julius. Brutus played a major role, distracting Julius so someone could stab him in the neck. The End: • Caesar was stabbed to death (one of his attackers was Brutus) and Brutus committed suicide by running into a sword on the
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