Best/Worst Post War Effects

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The Best (Worst) War Effects of “Best War Ever” Ariana Gutierrez History 1302 CRN: 11608 Tuesday and Thursday 9 -10:20 a.m. I read and will be analyzing chapter six of The Best War Ever: America and World War II by Michael C.C. Adams. One of the main points Adams presents in this chapter is that the “best war ever” genuinely had the “best” effects on the United States economy during and after World War II. Adams provided information to support that World War II was in fact the best war ever, “The U.S gross national product increased 60 percent during the war. And while living costs rose 30 percent, total earnings went up 50 percent. By 1945, the United States owned two-thirds of the world’s gold reserves, half its shipping, and more than half its manufacturing capacity.” The recovery the United States economy went through is unbelievable, this was looked at as a “magic formula” that needed to be repeated if America was ever in a horrible place such as the Great Depression that left 8.9 million people unemployed. “Had the government spent as much during the Depression to pump the economy as it during the war, it would have achieved the same spectacular results.” During World War II the United States government spent a grand total of $323 billion dollars; but in order to achieve recovery financially there had to be just as much spending. According to a secondary source I found on an online database, the information provided supports the point Michael C.C Adam’s made in chapter 6. During World War II new industrial developments were built all over the United States and the economy skyrocketed. “The United States economy was greatly stimulated by the war, even more so than in World War I... Spared the physical destruction of war, the U.S economy dominated the world economy. After 4 years of military buildup, the U.S had also become the leading military power.”
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