Best Friend - Definition Essay

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Best Friend Having a best friend is very important to me. I’ve had many friends throughout life, but a true best friend is the hardest to find. A best friend is not a person that will come and go whenever she pleases, and she is not in my life when it is just convenient for her. A true best friend is not an acquaintance, and is definitely not a person there just to benefit herself. To me a best friend is someone that is always there to help, someone who understands me inside and out, doesn’t ask questions when not wanted, is a good listener, and gives sound advice. Without any question, a best friend will always be there in the neediest times of my life, no matter what. When I am ill, a best friend will fix a meal and watch the kids for me, -so I may rest. If my car is broken down, and I need someone to help, my best friend is the first one there. She will drop everything to come to my rescue. I remember one time when my vehicle broke down, and I was stranded with my three little children. My best friend left the grocery store immediately, and came to my rescue, no questions asked. A best friend is a “no questions asked” understanding person. A best friend understands the situation or problem I am having, without me having to explain the situation to her. It’s like we are on the same wavelength of thoughts. Knowing my likes and dislikes is part of knowing a person inside and out, thus, understanding where a person is coming from. My issue may be so large that I cannot see past the forest of troubles, however, my best friend can see past that forest, into the valley and give me an answer without hesitation or questions. Knowing when not to ask questions is a must of a best friend. In addition to always being there to help and be understanding without asking questions, a best friend is also a great listener and advisor. A key part in communication is the
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