Benefits of Using Nuclear Power in Space and as a Propulsion System

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Benefits of Developing Nuclear Power use in Space and as a Propulsion System Benefits of Developing Nuclear Propulsion Sometime in the near future, perhaps as you are watching the news, you may see or hear about the first human to step foot on the surface of Mars or the discovery of valuable ores and minerals within the Jovian moon system. Or, perhaps you will read about the discovery of a new planet Earth in our galaxy. In this future, you may even read about the first contact with another space faring civilization as a result of our many probes that has ventured beyond our solar system. There are many benefits to science and mankind as a result of developing nuclear power use in space and as a propulsion system. Developing nuclear power use in space and as a propulsion system would be beneficial for space exploration and scientific research by allowing the National Aeronautic Space Administration (NASA) to explore farther and have faster travel times within the solar system and galaxy, by providing substantial power for manned exploration to other planetary bodies, and by allowing space probes and satellites to carry more instruments and operate longer. Nuclear propulsion allows for farther and faster travel times within the solar system and galaxy. The current propulsion system used by all space agencies is chemical propulsion. Chemical propulsion involves igniting millions of pounds of rocket fuel to produce thrust. Chemical propulsion is the only way to get spacecraft from the surface of the planet but once in space, it’s a different story. Nuclear propulsion is vastly superior to chemical propulsion. The reason that nuclear propulsion is better is because it has a higher specific impulse or Isp. Absolute Astronomy’s definition of Isp is a way to describe the efficiency of rocket and jet engines. (“Specific Impulse”, n.d.). An easier understanding

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