Benefits and Disadvantages of Globalization

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Despite the extent of globalization, some critics comment on the fact that its insidious effects on developed and developing countries are the equal of its beneficial influence with regard to individuals and societies. Contrast the positive and negative outcomes of globalization and evaluate the extent of its impact on your country. Globalization has integrated people, organizations, and governments through international trade, investment and technology. Although globalization has caused Singapore to suffer a few negative economic impacts in the past, she has benefitted from it on the overall, making her one of the world’s richest and most financially stable countries. Since her developing days, Singapore has dramatically improved its financial standing due to globalization. As Singapore is considered a strategic location by other countries, they invest heavily in her and outsourced jobs to Singapore. Outsourcing created jobs for the developing countries that had relatively higher pays than local jobs (Friedman, 2006). This was similar for Singapore in its developing days as outsourcing jobs to Singapore increased employment and salaries for the local individuals. Lower unemployment rates indirectly led to the construction of key infrastructures (Kocic, n.d.), such as educational institutions, which are vital in equipping the workforce with useful skills and knowledge. As the workforce became more productive, it naturally demanded higher salaries. However, as Singapore gradually developed, discovering opportunities to outsource jobs became increasingly crucial in Singapore. One of the main reasons is likely because locals demanded high salaries as they were more productive. Consequently, 3 out of 4 banks in Singapore outsourced jobs in a bid to lower costs, and one of the main benefits is a reduction in operating costs by 52 percent (3 in 4 banks outsource
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