Beautiful, Thin Models

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-1Cicely Mason English 1101-001 Martha Lee April 24, 2011 Beautiful, Thin Models: The Negative Impact Thin Models have on Our Society’s Women Most would agree that models are beautiful beings that have it all: long legs, curves, a slim figure and a beautiful face (the perfect bodies), but looks can be deceiving. What do models do to get these perfect bodies? What risks do they take? How do these risks affect everyday women of our society? America’s image of beauty has changed over the last 50 years. Mia Foley says, “America’s ideal women are thin.” One of the biggest sex icons of all time Marilyn Monroe was a size 12 but today in the year 2011, America’s media says a size 12 is too big. The fashion industry is very influential on the women of America. The fashion industry says what’s ‘hot’ and what’s ‘not’; that’s just the way it goes, even when it comes to a persons figure. Fashion industries and the media have the power of impact and models are the symbols of what women should look like in our Western world society. Because of this, women are pressured to become the almost unreachable goal of being a beautiful twig. Ashley Newman was one of three girls chosen to be recruited as an Elite Fashion Model. Wow! An Elite Fashion Model was a major deal. It was not a huge surprise when her peers from school found out the good news. Ashley is the most popular girl at LilyPool High School. She is so pretty, every guy loves her and all the girls envy her. People say she is some sort of goddess sent from heaven. Her hair is so perfect and straight, her style is always new and fresh, she wins everything she runs for, like being the student council president three years in a row and she has the perfect figure every female would want, but in the fashion world her beauty and smarts were not enough. Ashley was 5’10” and weighted 145 pounds. She was not
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