Basic Structure of the Interview (Source: Unknown)

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Basic Structure of the Interview (source: Unknown) A. Preparation Stage before conducting BEI Interviews where BEI questions are asked can be conducted in a variety of formats. One-to-one interviews where one person does all the interviewing and evaluating are quick and efficient, but only offer the perspective of one person. Yet another method is of BEI panel which is a process involving 2 or more interviewers (no more than 3 are recommended) where each interviewer asks the candidate different BEI questions. Using a panel process allows the benefit of multiple perspectives. All interviewers see/hear the same thing which, when evaluating, helps to enhance the objectivity of the process. However, because more than one person is involved, the cost is very high in terms of time and resources. In addition, in a panel interview, fewer questions are asked than if each interview is conducted separately. The use of One-to-one Interview or Panel Interview: It depends upon the employer decision as to what format of interview is to be used. However, before selecting the format, the merits and demerits are studied thoroughly. 1. One-to-One Interview: This method is typical for most positions. One person, normally the selecting official, conducts and evaluates the interviews. Advantage: This method is more efficient because one person does all the interviewing and evaluating. Also, it is less intimidating to the candidate because most candidates are used to one-on-one interviews. Disadvantage: One perspective may not be enough to accurately evaluate candidates for highly complex jobs. 2. Panel Interview: A panel interview involves two or more interviewers (no more than five) where each asks the candidate one or more questions. In a modified panel interview, one member asks the questions and the others observe and take notes. 1. All panel members
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