Basic Counselling Skills ( Sck2604)

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Module Name: Basic Counselling Skills ( SCK2604) 1. What are your initial thoughts or impression of Lars? My first thoughts of Lars were of a gentleman who’s very shy. He is not interested in close relationships or in being part of his family. He prefers spending time by himself, and he doesn’t show much emotion even though he embarks acts of kindness now and then. 2. How do we know the girl in the choir (Margo) is interested in Lars? What kind of com-munication is this? We first notice the non-verbal communication and facial expression that the girl in the choir (Margo) gives to Lars on the first church service in the scene. This moved in an at-tempt to make Lars notice her or talk to her. But Lars was rather not interested in her. He had an option to give her the rose he received from a certain church lady. Instead of Lars giving Margo the rose he threw it away as fast as he could when he saw Margo. It is in this scene we see a wide smile and flitting Margo. This behavior progressed to the office environment where even coworkers noticed it. 3. Why do you think Lars Avoids people? Which propositions apply? Lars lost his mother when she was giving birth to him. This therefore left Lars and his older brother (Gus) to be parented by his father who is described as sad and heartbroken man after the tragedy of the death of his wife. It is during this time that his brother Gus left home from as soon as he could. This made Lars’s fear to have children and relating with other people or be even touched by people. It comes across as if he felt that people will leave him and nobody really cares about him. Therefore, he chose to avoid being touched or attached to real people.. The proposition referred to is Proposition 5: Need and behaviour. 4. What belief or value does Lars convey when he asks Gus and Karin if Bianca can stay with them?
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