Barbie Good Or Bad?

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Welcome to Barbies World Every second 3 Barbies are sold all around the world. To most young girls the toy Barbie was the toy to always have. Growing up I had every Barbie, Dream Car, and Dream house that was out. Growing up Barbie was the only toy I ever wanted to play with. Playing with the toy it helped me explore my creativity and imagination more. Some people may think that a perfect looking toy known as the Barbie may have a negative effect on some girls’ self esteem. As a young girl growing up Barbie had no impact on my self esteem. I believe that Barbie has a huge impact on my creativity and imagination. With many different styles of clothes and accessories to choose from, it gave me a chance to explore my creativity. I used many different types of clothing and accessories on the Barbie. That helped me with being able to create many different styles. That also boosted my imagination along with all Barbie’s friends I always changed their hair so the can “go to a ball” and “go many other places. Using my imagination with Barbie and her friends helped me to create many different scenarios for Barbie. I had each house set up differently, even each car set up differently. When you’re young I think that you use your imagination more than any other time in your life. Growing up my parents allowed me to watch TV and do other activities, but I had rather play with my Barbies instead. Or I would sit in front of the television and play with my Barbies. When playing with my Barbies I was able to do anything and everything with them, I sent them on “dates” with my brother’s GI Joes or they would have “sleepovers” and “have swim parties”. There many of things for me to do with them. Some parents may see that as a negative effect, my parents didn’t mind that I played with them so much, it was more of a hobby for me. My family is a small family. I have one sibling which
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