Banquo's Loyalty In Macbeth

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In Shakespeare’s, ‘Macbeth’, the act of betrayal demonstrates the absolute conflict echoing within our human soul, challenging the strength of their moral values in scenarios that provide the reward of power in commerce of for one’s devotion and honor. Macbeth, was once a warrior of Scotland, the story focuses on a man detached entirely from his loyalty –greedy to gain authority in the hollow shell that used to encompass devotion. Although desiring such an esteemed of power of entitlement, the Thane of Cawdor demanded the loyalty one receives as royalty while severing his allegiance to his ruler in the process; the murder of King Duncan. A king holding such high regards to his soon-to-be murderer, he even introduces Macbeth as the “Worthiest…show more content…
The previous Thane was a king absent of honor and hollowed by lust. His lack of honor did not end with his subjects, but with his distrust in them. After feeling doubt towards Banquo's loyalty to the crown, Macbeth was haunted by the memory of his past friend's ghost. “Avaunt! and quit my sight...Which thou dost glare with!”, a quote that displays Macbeth running in an endless stream of self-doubt and conflict over the death of Banquo. Many believe this scene to be one that of the king’s last sense of morality, the feeling of pain and hallucination of fearing the loss of power that murdering a friend seems justifiable. The lack of honor Macbeth held for his subjects continued on, his interests never aligning with the responsibilities of the crown, but who to be rid of in order to maintain it. Not even in the last few moments of his life did Macbeth hold honor toward Scotland or the respect that is entailed by his majesty. “Then yield thee, coward,” Macduff began in the final fight scene. “...And live to may you see the tyrant”, The new protagonist remarkably gives Macbeth a chance to live, but due to the king’s twisted envision of honor, his stubbornness refuses to allow him to bow to anyone. The once bold and noble Thane, now a beheaded selfish
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