Bamboozled a Satire

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Black is Funny Bamboozled as satire film by director Spike Lee, in the film Bamboozled Spike Lee is satirizing social and political comments about race, identity negotiation and politics by reconstructing a blackface minstrel show. Pierre Delacroix the main character an African American who works at the television station CNS, constantly getting his creative ideas shut down and rejected and the pressure from his boss Dunwitty who claims to be blacker than him to come up with an entertaining “black show” or he’ll be fired. Delacroix figures that getting fired would be easier and he would finally be free, he shoots the idea of, “Mantan’s New Millennium Minstrel Show” complete with black actors in blackface; believing the network would reject it for being racist Dunwitty loves it and embraces it fully. Bamboozled shows races of all kinds including black in black face proclaiming themselves as “niggas”. Bamboozled brings up the question “Must African American culture remain mired in images of promiscuity and criminality for white consumption?” This movie is a satire based on the minimal evolution of our world, showing that racism is not dead and that the media will portray the black man in any way that will make him look bad or bring him down. Bamboozled exposes all sides of the spectrum, the sell-out who degrades their own race for fame and fortune, the power over that person who would like nothing more but to see them broken down. Spike Lee wanted to show America just how much people are still stuck in the past, that moving forward is not as easy as some may put off. Bamboozled shows us that we put ourselves out to the world as entertainment, that we are puppets on a string that they have control over. So, is black

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