Balancing Family & Work Life

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Balancing family and work life ENG 225 Returning to college as an adult requires rapid adaptation to successfully complete the curriculum. As an adult, one must often learn to balance class time, school assignments, work, personal and social time. This can often be an arduous task, but proper time management skills can be the key when returning to college as an adult with a family. There was a time when the boundaries between work and home were fairly clear. Today, however, work is likely to invade your personal life. Maintaining work-life balance is no simple task. Still, work-life balance isn't out of reach. Start by evaluating your relationship to work. Achieving a balance between work and home life takes effort, so you have to be willing to work toward it. Keep in mind as you read that it doesn't mean you can attain perfection; rather than finding time to squeeze in more, your goal should actually be trying to tackle less. To get the most from this article, it's important to realize you can't do it all. Focus on what you must accomplish at work and what you can reasonably do at home. Some of the signs that you are working more than you should and need to focus on family are: Fatigue. When you're tired, your ability to work productively and think clearly may suffer. It could take a toll on your professional reputation or lead to dangerous or costly mistakes. Lost time with friends and loved ones. If you're working too much, you may miss important family events or milestones. This can leave you feeling left out and may harm relationships with your loved ones. It's also difficult to nurture friendships if you're always working. Increased expectations. If you regularly work extra hours, you may be given more responsibility. This may lead to only more concerns and challenges. Write Down Family Goals. Family needs change over time.
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