Summary Of Komninos's 'Back To Melbourne'

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‘Time to return to the present/ so I headed towards the sign that said/ this way to Sydney/ Knowing that in future/ I’ll know where to find my past’, this quote comes from the poem ‘Back to Melbourne’ by Komninos Zervos. Komninos wrote this poem for us who are learning poetry and for those who have deep nostalgia towards the past. From the quote, we can see that the poem ‘Back to Melbourne’ examines the way our past impacts on the present. In the poem, Komninos takes us on a journey back to his childhood memories, exploring and developing our realisation of that we can never go back and recapture what we had lost. Peeling back the layers of the poem, I was fascinated by the connotative purposes of the poet. As we all know, successful achievement of purposes can’t go without the proper use of poetic techniques. This point is proved in the poem ‘Back to Melbourne’. The use of metaphor makes a great opening of the poem, ‘my week has been/ a blast into the past’. It enables us to feel the poet’s panic of losing self-identity and the strong desire of finding somewhere he belongs. This reveals the first purpose of the poem;…show more content…
I would. This is the second purpose of the poem, encouraging us to know, to remember, and to cherish our history. The big ram and the dog on the tucker box signify the Australian countryside including cattle, farm and the wool industry. ‘Ned Kelly”, a bush outlaw, signifies a part of Australian history. These Australian icons represent Australia’s past identity. The use of symbolism conveys us a message that Australia regards these icons with the same degree of sentimentality as the poet regards his past life in Melbourne. One step further, I would say that the symbolism builds a bridge connecting our feelings towards Australian history and the poet’s feelings towards his
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