Back from Madness

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Back from Madness Video Assignment Naomi – Schizophrenia * Naomi appeared to be abnormally comfortable discussing her difficult past struggles with psychotic disorder and her hard childhood living with two mentally ill parents; perhaps downplayed the severity of her disorder. * Claimed to hear voices constantly throughout the day, which interfered with her daily living, as seen when she explained that she sometimes could not distinguish the real people’s voices from those that originated from her mind. * Naomi explained that the voices she heard became more negative during times when she experienced stress and worry. She believed the voices and stress created a “downward spiral” for her. * Had a nervous breakdown after returning to college, prior to finals. * Was in a paranoid and catatonic state, following her breakdown, during which Naomi was unresponsive to medical personnel, as seen when she could not answer questions asked by a member of the hospital staff. * There appeared to be a possible change in Naomi’s energy level and personality in the weeks following her being prescribed the medication Clozapine. * Although Naomi was later released from the hospital on a new medication regiment, she claimed to have had an improvement in her hearing of voices. However, she claimed to still hear two voices throughout her days. * Once Naomi improved to the point that she no longer heard voices, she claimed that the “silence felt strange” because the voices she heard used to “keep her company” and “had deep philosophical conversations” with her. Eric – Major Depressive Disorder * Eric initially seemed incredibly melancholic, devoid of energy and hope, and was obviously distraught due to the toll his depression was taking on his life. * Despite Eric’s extensive and impressive background of music education, training, and
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