Baby Boom

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American’s had nothing but to be happy and optimistic for the future post World War II. Families who had been separated were finally brought back together and some families were together for the first time since the beginning of the war. The economy was booming thanks to the jobs security the war had offered and also because of the savings families were able to save during the wartime. There was a new housing boom, “home ownership had grown 53 percent in 1945 to 62 percent in 1962,” (Nash 641) the growth of the housing market was a direct response the GI Bill of 1944. During postwar America not only the housing industry was booming but there was also a boom in population, today we still refer to this as the “baby boom”. As we have seen…show more content…
The most notable change I believe was the increase of defense spending, which helped fuel the economy and pay for the cost of research to build nuclear weapons, jet plains, satellites, and consumer goods that were often the side products of military research. (Nash 648) Atomic nuclear weapons were first developed by America after Roosevelt had heard that the German’s were researching on making an atomic bomb. The first and only time there was a nuclear war started when America bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. America had boomed Japan to put an end the war, at the end of World War II America was the only country who had nuclear war power. In response to the bombing of Japan, the Soviet Union and Communist China developed their own nuclear weapons. This marked the beginning of the Cold War, the conflict between the Soviet Union and the United Sates was due to the fact that both countries wanted to become the sole superpower of the world, and they also disagreed on what the world should look like postwar. The Cold War lasted for several years and had many period of heightened tension such as the Korean War, Vietnam War, and the Cuban Missile Crisis. World War II impacted America in many ways the GI Bill helped stimulate the economy which led to development and expansion into the west. Due to the financial securities family sizes increased and gave us the baby boom era. The Cold War left a constant anxiety to the whole world that a nuclear war could breakout at
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