B. Explain 3 Factors Which May Restrict the Influence of a Pressure Group.

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There are many reasons that the influence of a pressure group might be restricted. However, my three reasons are their relationship with the government, their relationship with the media and their financial situation. The most important area which determines a pressure groups influence is its relationship with the government. Insider pressure groups (like the BMA or Police Federation), or pressure groups with regular contact within decision making bodies, are more likely to be able to directly influence policy as they are close to the government, who will sometimes ask for their advice on matters which are of concern to them. Therefore they have a chance to influence legislation and steer it in a direction supported by the group. Outsider pressure groups (like the Animal Liberation Front and Fathers 4 Justice) are unlikely to be able to take advantage of this influence of legislation since there are generally not involved with the legislative procedures. This is often due to unreasonable demands or violent and illegal methods of protest. Secondly, the financial situation of a pressure group can greatly affect the influence of a pressure group. This doesn’t just include the funds available to the group, but also the ability to exercise financial power. A pressure group that is able to impose financial sanctions on their targets is more likely to have success. An example of this in action is the September 2000 fuel protests. These eventually led to a reduction in fuel tax, due to the pressure placed upon the government. The funds which the pressure group has available are also important in the success of pressure groups. Without suitable funds pressure groups are unlikely to be able to successfully campaign. For example the Make Poverty History campaign would not have been able to raise the awareness of poverty in the way that they have, if they have not had a

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