Aztecs: The Valley Of Mexico

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Ricardo Estrada Professor Eduardo J. Aguilar History 118 28 November 2008 Aztecs The Aztecs are a tribe from Mexico from 1325 to 1521 that lived in The Valley of Mexico. Although the Aztecs home was Aztlan, a Nahuatl word that means ‘’a place of heron’’. Aztlan was in the north of The Valley of Mexico. There, many city-states existed like Chalco, Xochimilco, Tlacopan, Culhuacan and Atzcapotzalco. Culhuacan was the most powerful on the south of Lake Texcoco and Atzcapotzalco on the west shore. This valley was the center of the Aztecs civilization, huge and about 7,500 feet above the sea level. However, before the Aztecs came to The Valley of Mexico, other tribal groups came. One of them built the great city and…show more content…
The Gods fought the sea monster and soon it had died. Then the Four World Ages, starting with the Jaguar Sun. The great source of the energy so that the world would be complete. This is the key to the cycles of the Aztec creation story. Since the sun is so powerful, they had to do a sacrifice of a God, Tezcatlipoca. It became only half a sun and this first creation was incomplete. A fight began with Quetzalcoatl and the sun was knocked from the sky, in anger Tezcatlipoca sent jaguars to destroy the giants. This God was assigned to the Earth. The second sun the Wind Sun took over his brother as the sun. Humans were created by Quetzalcoatl and lived on pinon nuts and things were fine. However, people became corrupt and in revenge, Tezcatlipoca turned them into monkeys, and Quetzalcoatl sent a hurricane to blow them away. Rain Sun was the third assigned to fire and Tlaloc became the next sun. Once again, Tezcatlipoca was the troublemaker and he stole Tlaloc’s wife, so he made it rain fire burning the world. The creation continues now as the Water Sun, Tlaloc’s sister. Moreover, filled with jealousy Tezcatlipoca and…show more content…
The calpulli was a unit of organization that was made up of many extended families. Another function of the calpulli was a taxation unit which the empire collected taxes from each calpulli and turned collected taxes from its members. There were rural calpulli based on lineage and believed they were descended from a common ancestor. In the cities, they were based more on geographical, political, and occupational similarities than lineage. The calpulli were sometimes isolated from other calculi, both politically and physically. In urban areas like in Tenochtitlan, the wisest and most powerful leaders of each calpulli constituted a city council. There were four main members and one of them was selected to be the leader of the city. The Aztec cities had a multi-leveled semi-democratic system of government and the leaders of Tenochtitlan who were also the rulers of the entire empire, were selected on an almost hereditary basis. Below the ruler, there were the nobles, the priests, the career warriors and the administrators, like tax collectors. Moreover, even down there were the plain soldiers, common farmers and slaves. Slavery was a punishment for severe crimes and even slaves had some rights. If a slave found time to do work on the side, freedom could be bought with a price.
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