Auto-Biography Of Che Guevara

520 Words3 Pages
I was born on June 14th, 1928, in Rosario, Argentina to a family of Spanish, Basque, and Irish Descents. I am a Doctor, Author, Intellectual, Guerilla Leader, Diplomat, and Military Theorist. I enjoy swimming, football, golf, cycling, rugby, and shooting. Although, many of my friends see me as an Athlete, I also enjoy reading lots of books; I take an interest in Politics, and also play chess. I love poetry; my house is home to over 3000 books. I have five children, one with my first and four with my second. My Profile picture was named “Guerrillero Heroico” or in English Heroic Guerilla and it is now the world’s most famous photograph; photo credits goes to Alberto Korda. He did an amazing job, taking that picture, whenever someone says my name; they are reminded of that picture. I hate Imperialism, Capitalism, Monopolism, and last but not least Neo-Colonialism. I believe that to put an end to the world’s problems, a World Revolution needs to take place. To put my ideology to reality, I joined the 26th of July Movement and successfully overthrew the U.S backed Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista. I trained the militia forces that successfully repelled the Bay of Pigs Invasion made by the U.S backed Cuban Exiles. I assisted the Soviet Union in transporting its’ Nuclear Missiles into Cuba to cause the Cuban Missile Crisis. I wrote a book titled, “Guevara left Cuba”. It was about my motorcycle journey across Latin America. I have four siblings. I am very proud to say that I am now named by time magazine as one of the 100 most influential people on the world. I am known to most of my followers, friends, and family as a Revolutionary, simply for the revolution that took place in Cuba known as the Cuban Revolution. To this day, that revolution is considered to be the most victorious and successful one. I received much hate from the U.S, I could only imagine the anger they

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