Autism Spectrum: 365 Days Later Analysis

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Autism Spectrum: 365 Days Later Psych/600 Autism Spectrum: 365 Days Later Introduction According to, ‘Autism’ is a general term used to describe a group of complex developmental brain disorders known as Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD). The other pervasive developmental disorders are PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorders- Not Otherwise Specified), Asperger Syndrome Disorder (ASD), Rett Syndrome, and Childhood Disintegrative Disorder ( As of 2013, 1 out of 50 kids are diagnosed with Autism; that number has risen since the first diagnosed in 1943. Although it is extremely difficult for the child to understand what’s going on inside them, it’s even harder for the parents. Parents, especially…show more content…
These appointments will decide the exact type of autism your child have and the right treatment course. Medication may also be prescribed but understand there is no known cure for Autism, the medication is used to curb some of the symptoms like ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Behavior counselors help with easing a child into social settings where they would normally feel awkward in. Today’s most effective treatments are Applied Behavior Analysis, Speech Therapy, Pharmacological Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Physical Therapy. These treatments explained in detail below will work to minimize the symptoms of ASD and to help gain self confidence in their lives. * Applied Behavioral Analysis supports good behaviors and rejects negative with the techniques learned from a behavioral psychologist. * Speech Therapy with a qualified and licensed therapist is important treatment tool to help develop verbal communication skills in children who have difficulties in social…show more content…
The first person in your team after diagnosis should be either a Family Therapist or Behavioral Counselor, they provide the support needed for the parents and child (ren) with Autism. They are the connection between what the child is feeling and how the parents cope with what the child is feeling and then handling the situation accordingly. Your Primary Care Doctor was your first step because they were there from the beginning. They are a valuable piece to the puzzle because they provide the Pharmacological Therapy for your child and take care of any other issues surrounding the medications required for treatment (such as weight gain or loss). The final piece to assembling your care team is Support. Your child’s support team consist of autism programs for kids just like him/her, school administration support and activities that support normal interaction with other children that are not on the spectrum. The parent’s support team is made up of family, friends, and a local support group of other parents with children with ASD. The most important aspect of having a care team is to provide support for one another. It is always important to have someone who understands what you are going through so you know that you are not
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