Authentic Chinese Food

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Imagine dishes more flavorful than lo mein, more rich than General Tso’s chicken and dishes like sesame chicken but with more spice. This is what authentic Chinese food is. Chinese food has been around for a while. Some of the foods such as Zhōngguó hànbǎo (Chinese hamburgers) date all the way back to 200 B.C. Unfortunately, this means that there has been plenty of time for other people to try to take their style and try to claim it as their own(specifically Americans). However, none of them are able to recreate that original Chinese flavor that lingers in your mouth. Some may say that the Americanized Chinese food is better, but they are wrong because, American Chinese food are copies authentic Chinese food. Authentic Chinese food is better…show more content…
According to Jennifer Polland, “There are two problems with the beloved beef with broccoli dish: There is no broccoli (at least not the western version). Try Yu Xiang Rou Si, a dish of shredded pork in hot garlic sauce. In this spicy and flavorful Sichuan dish, the pork is usually sauteed with vegetables such as mushrooms and peppers.” This is an example of a dish with more flavor than the other. There is no actual broccoli in the beef and broccoli dish while the Yu Xiang Rou Si has pork in hot garlic sauce, mushrooms and peppers. If people try both foods and they see that one dish has more flavor than the other, they will see one authentic Chinese food that is better than the American. This will open up their minds to try more authentic Chinese food then realize it is better than…show more content…
According to Gavin Van Hinsbergh, “It[China] is a rich agricultural area that produces a broad range of vegetables and herbs, and these are served up.” This is an example of a type of authentic Chinese food that is healthy, since it contains vegetables and herbs. Vegetables are very healthy since they contain nutrients such as Vitamin A which helps keep your eyes and teeth healthy, Vitamin C which helps heal from injuries, and Vitamin B6 which helps develop the brain. When people go for authentic Chinese food, they will notice all these healthy nutrients and most likely start going out for authentic Chinese food more than American Chinese food. Additionally, according to Gavin Van Hinsbergh, “Jiangsu Cuisine 苏菜 Sūcài is fresh, a little salted, sweet, and uses favoring seafood, soup, and a beautiful appearance. The cuisine also promotes health.” This is an example of a healthy dish since it contains seafood and soup. Seafood and soup are healthy since. Seafood has protein which does various functions such as increasing the cell size for growth and it has Vitamin B12 which can be really helpful for reproduction. Soup has 12% riboflavin which helps convert food to energy for your body. This proves that authentic Chinese food can also be very healthy for pregnant people, and people who need more body development. Unlike authentic Chinese food, American Chinese food

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